The following board members were sworn in at the May 21, 2024 Member Meeting.

President: Barbara Cervantes
VP Programs/President Elect: Robin Miller
Co-1st VP’s/Bldg & Grounds: Holly Hall & Linda Turner
Co-2nd VP’s/Social: Angel Gregory & Sharon Roy
3rd VP/Membership & Memorials: Mary Kay Eastep
4th VP/Economic Development: Tamara Harrison
Corresponding Secretary: Sally Molinari
Treasurer/Finance Chair: Julie Chickering
Parliamentarian: Stephanie Woodruff
Recording Secretary: Open
Community Outreach Chair: Andrea Wolek
Education, Library, History Co Chairs: Sheryl Row & Glenna Taite
Yearbook Chair: Holly Hall
Culinary Chair: Tamara Harrison
Communications Chair: Laura Davis
Volunteer Coordinator: Sheree Koester