Join the Dallas Woman’s Forum
What do members do at The Dallas Woman’s Forum?
With a shared passion for the history of Dallas, we are stewards of the historic Alexander Mansion. We keep traditions alive by hosting teas and organizing literary, art, fashion, and musical events. We open our home, the Alexander Mansion, several times a year to the public to celebrate various holiday and cultural events.
Members enjoy working together to benefit the women and children in our community. Our fundraising efforts help us have a direct impact on the children and families in our neighborhood.
What can I expect from my membership?
You can be proud of your membership in The Dallas Woman’s Forum. You are a part of a 112+ year legacy of women leaders in Dallas.
We celebrate the talents and interests of our members and plan events that explore and share those interests with others. We have enjoyed vintage fashion shows, book author talks, art and antique appraisal events, and musical performances. Our members have brought in speakers on a variety topics such as STEM education, architectural styles in Dallas, the history of Braniff Airlines, antique lace, women’s health, cyber security, and so much more.
Great friendships have been formed through the years as our members work together to restore the Alexander Mansion. We volunteer in our Community Outreach events and love getting to see the smiles on the faces of the children.
We invite you to attend a board meeting, reach out to any board member, or check the calendar to find an event that interests you. We can’t wait to meet you!
Membership Levels and Benefits
Alexander Society Member
Alexander Society Benefits:
- One weekday (no Friday) rental of The Alexander Mansion at no cost, and special reduced rental rates for the Alexander Mansion on the weekends
- Special Events – 2 Tickets for teas, brunches, etc., (non-transferable) estimated $150 value
- Pre-Sale notification for all ticketed events
- Admission to the Annual Member Welcome Reception
- Access to all other DWF Member events on a per-event purchase basis
- Voting and Board position privileges
- DWF Member Newsletter & Notifications
- Volunteer Opportunities
Clark Member
Clark Member Benefits:
- Special Events – 2 Tickets for teas, brunches, etc., (non-transferable) estimated $150 value
- Special Reduced Rental Rates for The Alexander Mansion
- Pre-Sale notification for all ticketed events
- Admission to the Annual Member Welcome Reception
- Access to all other DWF Member events on a per-event purchase basis
- Voting and Board position privileges
- DWF Member Newsletter & Notifications
- Volunteer Opportunities
Blair Member
Blair Member Benefits:
- Special Event – 1 ticket for a tea, brunch, etc., (non-transferable) estimated $75.00 value
- Pre-Sale notification for all ticketed events
- Admission to the Annual Member Welcome Reception
- Access to all other DWF Member events on a per-event purchase basis
- Voting and Board position privileges
- DWF Member Newsletter & Notifications
- Volunteer Opportunities
Forum Member
Forum Member Benefits:
- Pre-Sale notification for all ticketed events
- Admission to the Annual Member Welcome Reception
- Access to all other DWF Member events on a per-event purchase basis
- Voting and Board position privileges
- DWF Member Newsletter & Notifications
- Volunteer Opportunities
Junior Member (Age 19 – 40)
Junior Member Benefits:
- Pre-Sale notification for all ticketed events
- Admission to the Annual Member Welcome Reception
- Access to all other DWF Member events on a per-event purchase basis
- Voting and Board position privileges
- DWF Member Newsletter & Notifications
- Volunteer Opportunities
Junior Auxiliary Member (Age 7 – 18)
Junior Auxiliary Member Benefits:
- Admission to 1 Jr. Auxiliary Member Event (Date to be announced)
- Special membership card
- DWF Member Newsletter (sent to parent or guardian)
This membership level is intended for daughters, granddaughters, or nieces of members. Junior Auxiliary Members must be accompanied by a current adult member.
Membership Application
Please fill out the form below.
The Dallas Woman’s Forum is now using Zeffy instead of Paypal to process your payment. Here’s why: Zeffy’s 100% free platform for nonprofits allows us to fundraise and accept membership fees at no cost. Zeffy is entirely funded by voluntary contributions and an amount will be suggested to you before you complete your payment. You can always change the amount to one of your choice by selecting “Other” in the dropdown menu.